Ordering step blocks

Learning how to order step blocks in the drag-and-drop model builder

The chronology of steps in your builder is important. Step blocks read from all the steps above them in the journey.

All builds will begin with an 'Input' step, and finish with an 'Output' step. What steps you add in-between is totally up to you.

You can drag-and-drop steps to change their order:

As an example, if you were designing a very simple product and you're only using the data inputted by a customer in your pricing model, you can add a single Enrichment 'Transform' step reformat all your data inputs within a single step.

However, if you plan to further enrich or ingest data that will need cleaning up or standardising (enriching customer inputs with additional inputs from a third-party, for example), you'd need to add further 'Transform' steps sequentially after those new inputs are stored.

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